Speaking out against Russian atrocities towards gay men

“WE ARE MANY– United Against Hate” speaks out against the recent arrests and detention of more than 100 gay men in Chechnya.

We stand together in opposition to actions of the authorities there, who have reportedly murdered at least three gay men and detained and tortured dozens more in recent weeks. We call upon Secretary of State Tillerson to use this current trip to Russia as an opportunity to call publicly upon the Russian and Chechnyan governments to do all in their power to stop the atrocities and protect their LGBTQ citizens.

Press Release 041217

Video – What It’s Like to Be Muslim in Madison?

In a follow-up to the Madison.com article “What It’s Like to Be Muslim in Madison”, Channel3000.com interviewed our own Masood Akhtar and John Vaudreuil to further discuss the importance of diversity in our communities. It’s a great 6-minute interview, well worth a watch.