Teaching forgiveness and peace in our schools

As part of our educational program, We Are Many – United Against Hate organized its first school outreach event: “Forgiveness After Hate & Then Promoting Peace Together” at Mount Horeb High School on May 23rd. About 800 students attended the 2-hour event. The impetus for this program started when two students from this school attended our “Moving Past Hate” event (hosted at Monona Terrace on December 10, 2017) and were so impressed and moved that they convinced their teachers and administrators to invite us so that their students can listen to this powerful message of Arno (a former White Supremacist) and Pardeep Kaleka (son of a victim). The event was a great success and has helped engage and empower these students to make a difference in their community. The two students have been appointed on the Advisory Board of United Against Hate and will take the lead in organizing similar educational events at various High Schools, particularly those located in rural communities throughout Wisconsin.

We just received this text message from Mount Horeb about the event:

“Thank you again for making today possible! The students got so much from the assembly and talked all day about the positive messages they took away. I heard multiple times that you all were the best speakers they’ve ever heard. It wouldn’t have happened without you. We appreciate all of your efforts! We can’t thank you enough. The students are still talking about it and the impact it had on them. Even parents are emailing about what a wonderful opportunity our school provided to our community.”

Click here for media coverage of this event at channel3000.com.

In case you missed it: Moving Past Hate event

Hundreds of people gathered at Monona Terrace on Sunday, Dec. 10th to hear a powerful, inspirational message from Pardeep Kaleka and Arno Michaelis, both advisory board members of We Are Many – United Against Hate and founders of Serve2Unite. Their stories began in very different places, but were brought together in the aftermath of the mass shooting at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI in 2012. Together they shared with Madison an incredible story of heartbreak, forgiveness, compassion, and resolve.

Video coverage of the event was provided by Madison City Channel and is available for you see for yourself this powerful message, using the links below:

The entire 2 1/2 hour program is available here or use the links below to jump to specific parts of the event:

“I was very happy to be a small part of this outstanding event. I stayed throughout as I found not only the presentations, videos and the Q & A very compelling and personally meaningful. I was happy to join Mike Basford, Chair Democratic Party of Dane County and you on stage showing our joint support for this outstanding program. Looking forward to future discussions.”
– Dave Glomp, Chair Public Relations, Republican Party of Dane County.

Video: Preview of our Dec. 10th ‘Moving Past Hate’ event

It’s only one week until our free, open to the public forum ‘Moving Past Hate’. We hope that you will join us at Monona Terrace on Sunday, Dec. 10th at 1:30pm. This event has garnered a tremendous amount of support throughout Dane county and is creating a lot of positive energy, bringing folks from all walks of life together to stand up against hate in our community. (More details on the event are available at our Facebook event page)

Our founder and organizer of this event was interviewed along with a number of our sponsors, contributors, and participating guests on Neil Heinen’s show “For The Record”. If you’re interested to learn a bit more about this event and what United Against Hate is all about, we highly recommend checking out this video.

Click to watch