United Against Hate Forum Aug. 3rd in Mt. Horeb

We Are Many – United Against Hate will hold a forum at the District #1 Old Schoolhouse (110 N. 2nd St) in Mt. Horeb on Thursday, August 3 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.

This forum is a follow up to a “Letter to our Muslim Neighbors” that the Mount Vernon United Church of Christ (MVUCC), Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP) and the Linda and Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice & Sustainability presented to leaders in the Muslim community in February 2016. This letter was signed by 400 people. Since then, these three groups were asked to serve as Advisory Board members to the newly formed group. “We are Many – United Against Hate” started by the Advisor to the Madison Muslim Community, Mr. Masood Akhtar. Our three groups participate as the Rural Education Subcommittee of United Against Hate. This will be our first of many educational forums for the local community.

We Are Many – United Against Hate board members Masood Akhtar and John Vaudreuil along with Sheikh Alhagie Jallow and Sarah Schlosser will serve as panelists at the event. This will be a chance for local residents to meet with and aks the panelists questions about their faith, correct misconceptions, and talk about ways we can help welcome our Muslim neighbors.

More details available on our Facebook Event page. We hope to see you there!

Must-Watch Documentary: “Waking in Oak Creek”

This powerful film documents a horrific hate crime against the Sikh community in the town of Oak Creek, Wisconsin and how the aftermath of the event brought the community closer together in unity against hate. It is a great example of how diverse communities can come together to support each other. If we could all start to forge this kind of understanding and appreciation of one another we might be able to avoid tragedies like these to begin with.

We highly recommend taking 35 minutes out of your day to watch this inspiring film presented by Not In Our Town and the U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office.

Click here to watch

Clearing Misconceptions about Islam: Full video of event

On the afternoon of Sunday May 21st, the Madison Muslim Community hosted a community event focused on educating and clearing misconceptions about Islam. Around 400 people attended the event which brought in speakers from various parts of the U.S. to cover topics such as what Sharia and jihad really are as well as how women are treated. If you were unable to attend we highly recommend watching the recording of the event using the link below:
