Video: Preview of our Dec. 10th ‘Moving Past Hate’ event

It’s only one week until our free, open to the public forum ‘Moving Past Hate’. We hope that you will join us at Monona Terrace on Sunday, Dec. 10th at 1:30pm. This event has garnered a tremendous amount of support throughout Dane county and is creating a lot of positive energy, bringing folks from all walks of life together to stand up against hate in our community. (More details on the event are available at our Facebook event page)

Our founder and organizer of this event was interviewed along with a number of our sponsors, contributors, and participating guests on Neil Heinen’s show “For The Record”. If you’re interested to learn a bit more about this event and what United Against Hate is all about, we highly recommend checking out this video.

Click to watch

Nov. 7 – Dinner, Film Screening, and Town Hall Discussion at Goodman

Our friends at the Goodman Community Center are hosting a special free event on Tuesday, November 7th. Join your neighbors for a screening of the film Dalya’s Other Country, a poignant story of a Muslim family displaced by the conflict in Syria. The screening will be accompanied by a community meal and a town hall discussion after the film.

More information and the full schedule of events can be found at the Goodman Community Center’s website.

Watch the trailer for Dalya’s Other Country.

Masood Akhtar: Make America safe from domestic terrorism

Our own Masood Akhtar’s op-ed piece, featured in the Cap Times, calls on us all to take a part in speaking out against growing divisiveness and hate-based speech in our country. Nationalist rhetoric promoting fear and demonization of Muslims is fueling distrust and making our country less safe. Rather than singling out one group of people, we need to be singling out hate, violence, and intolerance wherever it is found.

“America is the best country on Earth and a role model for other countries. We all need to work together to protect this country from evil and keep it safe. We have to keep reminding people that it is not white America or black America or brown America. It is the United States of America. We can only keep America safe when we all speak with one voice against those who want to divide or even destroy this country.”

Read the Cap Times Op-Ed