On his first full day in office, President Biden directed his national security team to lead a 100-day comprehensive review of U.S. Government efforts to address domestic terrorism, which has evolved into the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today. As a result of that review, the Biden Administration is releasing the first-ever National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism to address this challenge to America’s national security and improve the federal government’s response. Please read more at the White House Fact Sheet>
Wisconsin Faith Leaders Denounce GOP Voter Suppression Bills
Wisconsin faith leaders held a press conference June 9 at SS Morris Community AME Church on Madison’s east side to denounce voter suppression legislation. United Against Hate Founder, Masood Akhtar, was in attendance and voiced his concerns. Please see more at Madison 365>
President Joe Biden Sends Response Letter to United Against Hate on Racial Equity in America