Masood Akhtar, President, We Are Many – United Against Hate describes his New Year’s Resolution, which is to embrace Unity and deny hate. Read the entire article at the Capital Times>
Illinois Anti-Hate Commission Calls For Unity
As the holiday season approaches, the Illinois Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes decried a rise in hate in Illinois and the country. Meanwhile, in March a helpline for those who encounter hate crimes will have what a spokeswoman called a soft launch. The helpline, part of a $1.1 million grant to the commission from the federal Department of Justice, will start officially in September, she said. Read the article here at NPR>
Bereaved Israeli and Palestinian Families to March Together in Anti-Hate Vigil
On Sunday, thousands of lanterns will be lit to commemorate those who have died in the Hamas-Israel conflict since initial attacks on Oct 7. The event, called “Building Bridges, Together for Humanity” will take place in central London and involve thousands of lanterns being lit to commemorate those who have died in the conflict. Read the article on The Telegraph>