2025 Youth Unity Summit-South


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Approximately 200 Wisconsin high school students gathered Tuesday, February 25 at McFarland High School for the second annual Youth Unity Summit, with opportunities to engage in courageous conversations, and build stronger, more inclusive communities, and to grow as leaders. The theme of the summit is Unity Through Engagement.

To enable more students to participate, We Are Many United (WAMU), in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and CESA 6 Center 4All, hosted a second one-day summit on Wednesday, February 26 at Lincoln High School in Wisconsin Rapids.

At the McFarland Summit, students viewed the documentary film The Cure for Hate, followed by Q&A with Tony McAleer, author of The Cure for Hate and subject of the film. McAleer is a former leader of one of Canada’s largest Neo-Nazi skinhead organizations (ARM, Aryan Resistance Movement), and an organizer for the White Aryan Resistance and Aryan Nations. McAleer turned his life around through extensive individual and group counseling. McAleer now shares his deep understanding of how people are drawn into White Supremacist movements and how those involved can reconnect with their humanity and society at large.

Students also participated in interactive sessions to learn skills, practice real-life scenarios and share ideas with peers and had opportunities collaborate on building a vision to bring back to their schools.

Dr. Jill Underly, Wisconsin State Superintendent of Schools, addressed students at the summit.






